Each morning for every person a Sadaqah is due for each joint.
Every utterance of Subhanallah (Glory be to Allah Who is above all faults) is an act of Sadaqah.
Every utterance of Alhamdulillah (Praise be to Allah) is an act of Sadaqah.
Every utterance of La ilaha illallah (None is worthy of worship but Allah) is an act of Sadaqah.
Every utterance of Allahu Akbar (Allah is the Greatest) is an act of Sadaqah.
Enjoining good is an act of Sadaqah.
Forbidding from evil is an act of Sadaqah.
And offering two Rak'at Salatud-Duha suffice (as gratitude for Sadaqah due to every joint of the body).
{ Muslim }
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Cases of problem foods and food poisoning are widely reported in Mainland China over the last few years. In 2001, there were 185 cases of food poisoning, affecting about 15,715 people and causing 146 deaths. The cases doubled in 2002. In 2003, the number of reported cases was ten times more than that in 2001, and the number of people suffered was as high as 29,660, including 262 deaths Now In Sept 2008 Nearly 53,000 Chinese children sick from contaminated milk; 4 have died
Manufacturing fake eggs
In China there are fake schools and classes that teach a variety of blatant fraud technology, even eggs can be modulated by chemical materials, but also be able to fry cook, is currently the most popular False course.
Step 1 modulation of raw materials
Using 7 kinds of chemical materials, see pic below
Fake egg was made from calcium carbonate, starch, resin, gelatin, alum and other chemical products.
Step 2 egg production
Raw egg into the mold to 2 / 3 full, put calcium chloride, colouring die, the egg appears on the film been announced.
The 'yolk' is shaped in the round mould. 'Magic water' containing calcium chloride is used.
By adding a yellow pigment and become raw egg yolk.
Step 3 fake egg shape
In the mold into 1 / 3 raw egg white, like the first package, like dumplings into the egg yolk, egg white into another, into the magic water, a shell eggs will come slowly. Naked egg shape to 1 hour to dry after washing with water, at shells ready.
To make the egg white, various ingredients, including a powder and alum, are mixed together.
Step 4
Sewing lines through the use of eggs, immersed in paraffin wax, calcium carbonate, such as modulation of the eggshell into a solution, repeated several times until the shell a little dry, immersion in cold water pumping line shape, this point, the egg has been put on a false cloak , You're done.
Hard shells are formed by soaking in paraffin wax onto the egg, which are then left to dry.
Oh yeah The Egg is ready. The artificial egg shell is very fragile and break easily but who cares!!
Look so real
Many small bubbles is formed during frying the egg but not many people can tell the difference.
The egg look exactly the same, and the eggs taste better than real but you are adding to the
statistic of food poisoning person.
Why make fake eggs ?
Because of money.
The cost of fake egg is only 0.55 Yuan/kg, while the true eggs' market price is 5.6 Yuan/kg.
Dearest All,
Please be advised that all Airports in Saudi Arabia have a new rule regarding arriving Overseas workers carrying electronic devices. This has not been published to the public, but please advice all our workers who are traveling to K.S.A.· All Electronic devices will be submitted for check up before immigration section.
o Devices includes Cellular phones with camera and memory card, flash disks, external hard drive, Laptops / notebooks / pc, ipod, itouch, mp3 players with memory cards.
o A special USB device will be inserted to the electonic devices that you are carrying. This special device can scan all videos and pictures, jpg, bmp, avi, etc, contents of your laptap / cellphones, and will be recorded to their main computer.
o All devices with nude pictures in it will be confiscated immediately. There will be no fines, and refusal will send you to jail and deportation.
o Laptops with pirated software's will also be confiscated.
This rule has been applied already and is being practice in Riyadh, Dammam and Jeddah Airports. This is excluding Bahrain airport.
FYI, the special device was invented by a Filipino.
Kindly include this in your orientation with the workers and tell them not to bring any pirated softwares, movies, or nude pictures. Even datas that are hidden can be found by this device, so tell them not to bring any at all. The laptap of one of my friend, a Sony Viao, which cost around 8T SR, was confiscated a few days ago, because of 1 semi nude picture that he forgot to erase.
Sayyiduna Amr ibne Abasah (RadhiAllaho anho) narrates that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) told me: Indeed, the closest the Rabb comes to His slave, is in the last part of the night; If you can remember Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala at that time, then do so. { Mustadrak Hakim } |
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